Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Friday, October 2, 2009

11 Months Old

Where has the time gone? I can't believe my "baby" is almost a year old. I'm looking forward to your 1st Halloween this month and then...your 1st birthday party!! You are still not walking, but you are standing more on your own for longer periods of time. You have tried to take a step or two, but just aren't so sure about it. You love to walk around the house with your walking toy but you just don't want to try without it, yet!! You LOVE to play ball!! You will sit and play catch forever (I hope this means you will be a ball player!!). You also really like your stacking rings and books. You are always on the go! This morning when I tried to get your picture with your monkey, I had to take several shots because you didn't want to sit still!! I am so glad that God let me be your mommy. You are the best little boy ever!!

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